Monday, April 7, 2014

PARIS - Her Voice

We both heard Her Voice at the same time and we both had the same reaction.

The world stopped being what it had been only moments ago,
When we'd been strolling,
Mosaic-tiled streets,
Passing locals,
Tourists and,
Sipping aromatic espresso from delicate cups,
While time slowed to a sensual crawl.

Her Voice was faint and distant like,
A memory,
Of something that may or may not,
Have happened.


We had crossed the Event Horizon and Paris was gone.

Faint and distant though it was, there was only,
Her voice,
Drawing us like moths to an unseen flame.

We shared a glance and each saw our own incredulity,
Reflected in each other's eyes.

Both speechless,
We followed and,
Her Voice grew louder and,
Fuller and,
Alien in its sheer beauty.

The earth literally opened beneath our feet,
Her voice drew us into the depths,
Reverberating off curved brick and,
Into our love-filled hearts.

Tears welled up in our eyes for,
There she was,
Her breath visible in the cold, damp air,
Her Song carried on clouds of ether,
In a dream,
We lived,
In Paris.

All My Love,