Monday, October 24, 2011

HAIKU MOVIE REVIEW #5 - Dolphin Tale

Sniff, sniff, waaaaaaaa-haaaaaa, sniff.

Friday, October 21, 2011

So Hard. So Easy.

Getting up.  Making the bed.  Facing the day.  Cutting my nails.  Shaving.  Playing my piano.  Flossing.  Washing the car.  Taking three deep breaths.  Stretching.  Listening.  Stop checking Facebook.  Writing.  Playing my guitar.  Putting away clothes.  Replacing these sneakers.  Hustling some cash.  Saying, "Yes."  Saying, "No."  Turning off the motherfucking TV.  Making a schedule.   Eating healthy.  Walking away from the table.  Being on time.  Going to bed.

So hard.

So Easy.


Thursday, October 20, 2011


I stopped talking,
For a week.
*pauses to allow for comments from the peanut gallery.

It's true.  Ask Dave Orosz; he was there.

All my friends know that I talk WAY too much - always have.  Sometimes my inner voice is telling my outer voice to shut the fuck up.  I get it.  Of course I get it!  Do you think a guy that weighs 400lbs is unaware that he is overweight?

So one day I woke up and decided to conduct an experiment:  I would remain silent for a week and see what happened.

Day one was a big deal.  It was basically a daylong game of "charades".  If my running off at the mouth all those years was intended to garner attention, I was definitely taking the wrong tack.  Shutting my mouth brought me more attention in a day than I'd ever experienced prior to that.

"Are you sick?",  "Do you have laryngitis?",  "Is this a dare?", "How long are you going to keep this up?"

Someone asked if it was for spiritual reasons and I realized the answer was "Yes.".

It was 1987.  I was a Lance Corporal in the Marine Corps, stationed in Okinawa, Japan.  I was a computer operator and worked with mainframe IBM computers.  It was like working in a civilian facility only everyone who worked there was dressed in military garb.

My colleagues clowned me for about half-a-day, after which my choice to remain silent was treated with reverence and respect by virtually all my friends, colleagues, and superiors.

During that week, I could imagine a life unspoken.

Or, at the very least, until I actually had something to say.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011